pH Hydrotester
Test Equipment & Instruments

pH Hydrotester

The pH Hydrotester is used to measure the pH or potential of hydrogen, which is an indication of a substance’s acidic or alkaline properties, of water and other liquids. The easy-to-use, battery-powered device is water-resistant and durable and provides fast and accurate measurements. The tester comes with batteries, electrode storage solution, pH 7.0 buffer and translucent cap.

Measuring the pH of water and other liquids is especially important if the water has been treated with nutrients, chemicals or other additives. The higher the pH, the more basic (alkaline) it is and the lower the pH, the more acidic it is. A pH of 7.0 is neutral.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information, pricing or to discuss your testing requirements.

Dimensions 153mm x 32mm x 18mm
Weight 54g
Range 0.0 - 14.0pH
Temperature 1-80°C, 33-176°F
Resolution 0.1pH, 0.1°C/F
Accuracy ±2%
Power 3 x 1.5V (357A)
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